
Satisfaction Guarantee

The Unwind Company/ Satisfaction Guarantee: Your complete satisfaction is very important to us! Our return policy is very simple. We are so confident in our products that if you are not satisfied, for any reason, with any product you bought from The Store within 30 days from when it was shipped, you may return it, in its original "as-new" condition and original packaging, for a Full Refund (less shipping charges- please see below)*

*Please note that customers that receive FREE SHIPPING will have the actual cost of shipping deducted on refunds for returns of non-defective items. If the items are determined to be "damaged or defective" by either or its representatives or the associated manufacturer, at our discretion, we will either repair, exchange or replace the item at no cost to you. 

The following products cannot be returned for refund due to personal hygiene issues and to protect the safety of our customers* and the quality of our products: Massage Chairs, Special Order items including (but not limited to) Ekornes, Himolla, Stressless, IMG or Fjords furniture (custom-built to your specifications), Clearance Or Factory Authorized Price-Reduction Furniture Items, Head & Neck Massagers, Pillows, Massage Oils & Personal Care Products (e.g. Burt's Bees) CD's & DVD's. If an item you received is damaged during shipping, please contact our office at 1-888-4-UNWIND or email: Customer Service immediately so that we can assist you.

*Special order furniture, parts and cut leather are not refundable.

For complete Return Information and Guidelines, please refer to the Returns & Exchanges page.

Email product questions or inquiries to customerservice at This method of support helps us to hold down our costs and allows us to offer the most competitive pricing available. It's our preferred support method and we work diligently to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible.

Sales Tax: Florida and Mississippi residents must include appropriate sales tax (this is calculated automatically during your online order).